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Getting Digit Sàrl


Getting Digit develops digitalized support platforms to help entrepreneurs succeed in their projects faster and more sustainably. Our personalized paths cover digital marketing (Springboard platform), business creation, and business transfer/takeover (RelevePME platform). Our platform Mon Entreprise Durable offers a complete and personalized CSR support to SMEs.

Autres engagements

IT & Digital Services / Web Design

Année d'ajout








Engagements de l'entreprise

Goal 1

Core business

By 2025, we support 700 SMEs in implementing at least 10 impactful measures in the areas of social and environmental responsibility via our platform Mon Entreprise Durable*. 

* According to the list of ISMART criteria published online on our platform Mon Entreprise Durable


Goal 2

Internal operations

By 2030, we reduce our greenhouse gas emissions by 50 % (Scopes 1, 2 & 3)*. 

* By engaging in the SME Climate Commitment initiative, in line with the United Nations Race to Zero campaign, representing a reduction in our greenhouse gas emissions of 8 % per year. See SME Climate Hub.

Portée des engagements

Getting Digit sàrl, under the brands of Tremplin and Mon Entreprise Durable, mainly operates in Switzerland, France and Belgium. The pledges taken within the STI framework apply to the sustainability policy for all operations of Getting Digit sàrl carried out mainly in Switzerland, France and Belgium. The company is therefore accountable for their implementation within the limits of its field of activity.


D'ici 2025 indique systématiquement la fin de l'année, ce qui signifie : D'ici la fin de 2025 (à moins que cela soit mentionné autrement, par exemple année fiscale). 

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